This event took place in February 2022 - Registration is closed
View the Workshop Agenda here
View the recorded Workshop sessions here
ESA Scout HydroGNSS Mission
HydroGNSS is the second mission in the ESA Scout programme, demonstrating Earth Observation science with a small budget and rapid schedule. HydroGNSS is a 55kg satellite that will take measurements of key hydrological climate variables, including soil moisture, freeze thaw state over permafrost, inundation and wetlands, and above ground biomass. It uses a technique called GNSS Reflectometry that exploits signals from Global Navigation Satellites Systems as radar signal sources. These signals reflect off the land, ice and ocean and are used by a low power receiver in Low Earth Orbit to yield important geophysical measurements.
Online Workshop Information
We are holding an online workshop to introduce the HydroGNSS mission, the science behind the retrievals, the products anticipated at Data Levels 2 and 2, their relationship to Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) and the plans for calibration and validation of the results. The workshop will discuss lessons learnt from previous reflectometry missions, and how future HydroGNSS products could be accommodated alongside other data into climate and meteorological models to improve hydrological and climate knowledge.
This workshop is aimed at potential users of HydroGNSS measurements for climate and meteorological models, researchers working in complementary EO missions, and those with an interest in GNSS reflectometry as a future Earth observation technique sustainable through the use of small satellite constellations.
SSTL is supported by a team of Science partners, comprising:
GNSS Reflectometry data from a pre-cursor mission is available from www.merrbys.co.uk