By joining forces with ASI, SSTL aims to further expand its educational outreach, providing students with unprecedented access to the world of space technology and exploration. Whether it's through hands-on training programmes or immersive mission studies, the partnership promises to be a launchpad for the next generation of space innovators.
Ross Tarnowski, Assistant Principal at the Lincoln College group, leading the Air & Space Institute and Engineering, said: “I am really pleased to have forged a partnership with Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL), a global leader in small satellite technologies with extensive space engineering expertise. This collaboration will allow our students to gain a broader understanding of this fast-paced sector through industry relations with SSTL. I am looking forward to developing this relationship as we continue to build upon our current space programme and future provision shaped through SSTL’s input."
Stu Jones, Head of Customer Training at SSTL, said: “Training has been fundamentally in the DNA of SSTL since our birth in the University of Surrey over 40 years ago. We are delighted to partner with the Air and Space Institute and grow our capability in delivering modern training programmes to a modern-day intake of space engineers. The ASI building will be fantastic when complete, offering relevant training that will boost the UKs Air and Space engineering workforce. As per SSTL’s vison to share our know-how to enable advancement in space, we take seriously this commitment to supporting the next generation of space leaders.”
Together, Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd and the Air and Space Institute mark a significant milestone in the journey of space exploration and education and are poised to make significant contributions to Earth observation and space science.
For Media Enquiries please contact:
Air & Space Institute | email: marketingadmin@lincolncollege.ac.uk
SSTL | Andrew Greenhalgh, mobile: +44 (0)7824 804905, email: Agreenhalgh@sstl.co.uk
About Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL)
Since 1981, Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL) has built and launched 72 satellites for 20 international customers, as well as providing training and development programmes, consultancy services, and mission studies for ESA, NASA, international governments and commercial companies. SSTL is well known for innovative missions such as the CARBONITE satellite series, the NovaSAR S-band radar imaging satellite and the RemoveDEBRIS space debris removal technology demonstrator. Headquartered in Guildford, UK, and part of the Airbus Defence & Space Group, SSTL also has a representative office in Adelaide, Australia.
About Air & Space Institute
ASI (Newark) is an international centre of excellence to train people to enter the air and space industry. Established in 2021, the Air and Space Institute has operated out of interim facility Newark College. The new £15.4m state-of-the-art aviation training facility will open in early September 2024. Training at ASI has clear progression routes into the workplace from Level 2 through to degree level with jump-off gateways into several aviation roles. Delivered by industry experts with years of flying and aircraft engineering experience, supported by extraordinary partners in the air and space sector.